Friday, September 15, 2006

Girls' night out

Briar Rose and I enjoyed her first evening trip to the theatre for a spot of "Swan Lake on Ice". We were very rushed getting there, and my expectations sank when Briar Rose said "Katie fell asleep in the middle of Swan Lake, but she's a real earlybird".

It was a good but not great performance - we had third row seats to the side and were almost able to catch the chipped up ice, but the sound wasn't great - it was my first time at a "ballet" without live music, which I hadn't anticipated.

Anyway, at the end of the performance, Briar Rose's initial comment was "I don't know how Katie could've fallen asleep during that!". I was thrilled that she had enjoyed it so much - until she added "It was far too loud for sleeping in".

Fortunately, she later added that she was looking forward to telling Katie about all the good things she'd missed, so the evening wasn't a total non-event! Posted by Picasa

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