Wednesday, March 04, 2009

What we did in January

It's been too long between blog updates - life seems to be racing past just now! But looking back at January's photos, we really were particularly busy!
Probably the most visible change in January was to Ginger Rose's gorgeous locks. They disappeared. Dramatically. I cried.

And I was still finding the odd golden lock in the girls' bedroom weeks after. There were a lot of curls on the floor.

Briar Rose and I pulled out the sewing machine and the on-going quilt project.

We found a great new malted oat slice recipe that's perfect for lunch boxes.

Stewed and froze the garden surplus of silverbeet and tomatoes.

Played with play-dough.

Loaded five children and five instruments into the car each day for a fortnight's music camp in scorching hot weather.

And enjoyed plaster painting activities at the shopping centre while the big kids were away.
Lots more happened, but there's only so much space...

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