Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Hedge day!

As part of the landscaping I've had vegetable gardens built in the front garden, which is very exciting ... but vegetables need sun, and the hedge needed trimming sooner or later.

It's grown to truly epic proportions ... My big boys are 6 foot plus now so the hedge must be 12 feet high at least, and more than 6 feet wide!
I was really pleased to see them using some serious scaffolding this year - previous years have relied on more innovative constructions, such as planks on the back of borrowed utes!

The little guys were pretty keen to break out and help.

It really is a long stretch of hedge, with more on the other side of the driveway!
I do so love our hedge. I like to sit in the house and pretend there's a whole other world beyond the hedge. With the autumn leaves peeking over the top it's spectacular!

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