Saturday, December 08, 2007

Because I have to add photos

Ginger Rose took this photo of Grandad just about to finalise the repairs on his property, before dashing home to sail in the Commodore's Cup.
Saturday morning TV. Oh the squalor. See those four shoes on the ground? And the two socks? And the giant bucket that once contained popcorn and was so wonderful it had to come home from the movies with us? And the book due back at the library?

Just remember that it's only two misplaced items per child in the photo.
And oh my wonderful wonderful Little Prince. Developing right on target (he "talks" and bats at his toys) and able to put himself to sleep when left forgotten behind the couch while I gave Ginger Rose a bath, put on yet another load of laundry (choir performances require full school winter uniform which get rather damp and smelly when worn in summer) and composed the previous blog entry. As far as babies go, he's a total dream!
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