Saturday, March 08, 2008

Lunch for two

Our first vegetable puree blend - organic potato and carrot. It was just as successful as pumpkin puree -very decorative but apparently not particularly tasty.
And for moi, some very delicious tomato from Grandad B's garden with basil from my window pot.

Sadly, other things on the domestic front are not so happy - the chickens have a mite infestation that has already killed one lovely chook. The Ginger Ninja and Possum, while initially reluctant to help, chipped in a lot of muscle once they actually saw how sick our hens were and gave the henhouse a good scrub out yesterday.

Today I'm planning to ask the girls (Briar Rose has a friend sleeping over) to collect some lavender clippings to mix in with the straw bedding, then the boys and I will spray the infected sites with Triguard and cover the rest of the chooks with a good spray of lavender oil.
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